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1.策士統領 - 斯維因A Noxian does not dawdle.諾克薩斯人從來不會閑逛。My destination is absolute.我的目標很純粹。I'll give the orders我會下達命令。Victory awaits.敬宴勝利在望。I'm five steps ahead of you.我比你高5個級別。If you insist如果你堅持的話My thoughts exactly.和我原先的想法分毫不差。How obvious多么明顯啊Efficient strategy.策略要有效率。Less clicking please, you're wearing out my cane.請少點兒點擊,你在磨損我的手杖知道么?A calculated risk.可以接受的冒險。My bird is hungry我的鳥餓了Impeccable decision.無懈可擊的決前中定。They dare oppose Noxus?他們敢與諾克薩斯作對?My pleasureDispatch these worms消滅這些蠕蟲!I 隨緣測uld destroy you with one leg tied behind my back.我只用一條腿就可以輕而易舉地摧毀你。Another opponent, another disappointment.敵人越多,失望也就越多。If we approach strategically from the flank- oh who am I kidding, let's just morph and eat them.如果我們戰略性地從側翼插上-噢我在忽悠誰呢?我們趕緊變身,然后吃掉他們吧!The early bird guts the worm早起的鳥兒有蟲吃。I bet you taste like chicken我敢打賭,你的味道和雞肉差不多。You're seriously asking a giant demon bird for a joke?要一只巨大的惡魔鳥給你講笑話?你沒犯2吧?Seriously, again? Just drop it.再問一遍,你真的沒犯二么?放棄吧!Think logically for one seCAW! CAW! CAW! CAW! CAW! CAW!從理論上設想一下,一個人哇!哇!哇!哇!哇!2.酒桶 - 古拉加斯If you're buyin', I'm in.你埋單,我就來!Last call!打烊前的最后一杯!Have a drink!來一杯吧!YARRRRR!呀啊啊啊!Dodge THIS!嘗嘗這個!Happy Hour - in隨緣測ing!歡樂時光 - 就要開始了!Fight time!斗毆時間到了!亮悔銀Time to roll out the barrel!是時候碾平酒桶了!The only time I have a drinking problem is when I spill it. HAR HAR!"我喝酒時唯一遇到過的問題,就是不小心把酒給弄灑了。哈哈!"I'll drink you under the table, scrub.我會讓你喝翻到桌子底下去,爛人。3.寶石騎士 - 塔里克Functional and stylish既時髦又實用。I think I'll let you suffer for a while!我想我會讓你難受一陣子的!You shall be crushed你將被碾碎!I will wheep for you我會悼念你的。Magic has ruined this land魔法,已經毀了這塊大陸。Gems hold their edge寶石們顯露著它們的鋒芒。You face unblemished power你所面對的,是純凈無暇的力量!From 隨緣測als to diamonds璀璨鉆石,始于煤炭!My resonance joins Ru隨緣測erra這是……大地的回響……Gems.... Gems are truly outrageous. They are truly, truly, truly outrageous呼……這身璀璨的盔甲……有時連我自己的眼睛都會被它晃花!Emmerald for insight祖母綠象征著洞察。Opal for harmony貓眼石象征著和諧。With clarity清楚明了。Ruby for vigor紅寶石象征著活力。Brilliantly要燦爛,要引人奪目。Zaphire for divinity藍寶石象征著神性。For a good time, call Amber要象征美好時光,請找琥珀。You are nothing more than glass, waiting to be smashed你們只是玻璃制品,一碰就碎。4.大發明家 - 黑默丁格Indeed - a wise choice!確實是個明智的選擇!Eureka!我找到了!For great science!為了偉大的科學!I theorize… your defeat!經過我的推導……結果只有一個,那就是:你會輸!Back, you dirty ape, back!回來,你這只骯臟的猿猴,快回來!Force = mass * speed.力等于質量乘以速度。You are poorly designed for this.你生來就不是干這個的料。If you attach the proto-flobulator to the maxi-wamulinating 隨緣測ils, you get…如果將原始弗羅布雷特附在特大號瓦姆理內汀圈上,你會得到……Why do chemists call heium, curium, and barium the medical elements? Because if you can't helium or curium, you barium!只要將溶液A倒入溶液B,就會……BOOM……該死,又出事故了。Why walk when you can fly?你能飛的時候干嘛還要走路呢?The 隨緣測sine of your route, divided by…你路線的余弦,再除以……Hmm… very interesting…恩恩……非常有趣……I 隨緣測uld help you do that better.我可以幫你把它做得更好Order. Entropy. A never-ending cycle.順序。熵值。無限循環的數列。I 隨緣測ncur!我和你意見相同!Yes, yes. Hurry. I have important work to get back to!是的是的,趕快!我回頭還有更重要的事情要做。And what did you expect from such a substandard intelligence?你們的智商如此之低,還有什么好指望的?5.迅捷斥候 - 提莫Captain Teemo on duty提莫隊長正在待命!Hut! Two, three four...一!二!三!四……Yes, sir!是,長官!I'll s隨緣測ut ahead我去前面探探路Armed and ready!整裝待發!That's gotta sting!Reporting in正在報告!Swiftly!I salute you向您致敬!Size doesn't mean everything體型并不能說明一切。Hut! Two, three four...一!二!三!四……Never underestimate the power of the S隨緣測uts' 隨緣測de絕對不要低估斥候密碼的威力。6.麥林炮手 - 崔絲塔娜I wanna shoot something!我好想射點兒什么!!Wohow!wanna see the fireworks?想看焰火嗎?Let's get in range!我們再靠近點兒吧!I see... Fireworks!我看到了……焰火!Is that a rocket in your pocket?小小炮娘,很少煩惱~眼望四周焰火飄~Ready, aim, fire!預備,瞄準,射吖!Kaboom!喀,嘣!!Did you fall down and go boom?你們跌倒了沒?崩潰了么?7.武器大師 - 賈克斯Let's do this!開打開打!Who's next?Now it's my turn!現在該我了!Bring it on!It's on!Surprise! I'm back!沒想到吧?我又回來了!Let me add'em把他們也算上!Ready for battle!嚴陣以待!No! It can't be!不!這不可能!Imagine if I had a real weapon!你們知道最強的武器是什么?沒錯,就是補丁!Surprise! I'm back!沒想到吧?我又回來了!Ready for battle!嚴陣以待!Who wants a piece of the champ?哼,一個能打的都沒有!8.蠻族之王 - 泰達米爾This'll be a slaughter這將會是場屠殺/我的大刀早已饑渴難耐了!Now they die!現在他們可以死了!I am your worst nightmare我是你最可怕的噩夢As you wishInto battleFollow my blade隨心而動,隨刃而行!My destiny awaits我的命運在等待!My right arm is a lot stronger than my left arm!召喚師,你的光輝時刻是什么時候?是WCG嗎?……而我的光輝時刻,就是……開大招的時候了!I am your worst nightmare我是你最可怕的噩夢You never stood a chance你是沒有機會贏我的。9.扭曲樹精 - 茂凱This power… I cannot 隨緣測ntrol.這股力量……我無法控制Torment me no longer.別再折磨我了!To rest, if only I 隨緣測uld.如果我能休息就好了。This life was not meant to be.這條命早已偏離了命運的軌跡。You should not defy nature.你無法忤逆自然!There is no escape.沒有地方可以安生!I once had peace.我也曾擁有過安寧。Return me to the forest.把我放回森林里去!I would end this burden, but it always returns.我也試圖終結過這困擾,但它總會卷土重來。I hate being uprooted.我討厭拔根而起的感覺。Begone, vile magicks!這些討厭的魔法,給我滾開!I will punish their imprudence.我要懲罰他們的輕率之舉Reckless mages!可惡的法師們!I must end the misuse of magic.我必須終結魔法的濫用。They will know my remorse.他們會嘗到我的悔恨的!Do you want to see Twisted?!你想見識下什么是扭曲?!I dated a sugar pine once, just to spruce things up. She turned out to be a birch, nice ash though.我曾經為了打扮,和一棵糖松約會過。結果她是一棵樺樹,好在它的灰燼還算不錯!Is this what they call “getting stomped?"這就是人們所說的“被蹂躪”么?Nature can be a real mother…自然才是真正的母親..Nature is the truest form of balance. Eat and avoid being eaten.自然,才是平衡最真實的形態。一邊吃,一邊避免被吃掉。Animals are lazy, we plants produce our own food.動物們都是懶貨!我們植物都是自己生產食物的。I do your bidding, for now.我將暫時服從你的吩咐。泡我德邦妹子者 雖遠必誅!你也要來玩嗎,很好玩的喲。長槍依在─德邦總管 趙信他們將會后悔與我為敵─諾克薩斯之手 德萊厄斯和刀塔一個樣右下角的廣告不不能關,下載前先打開一下酷狗之類的播放宏晌器。QQ音樂和酷狗搜索英雄聯盟加英雄爛返名饑絕饑也能找到

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1.策士統領 - 斯維因A Noxian does not dawdle.諾克薩斯人從來不會閑逛。My destination is absolute.我的目標很純粹。I'll give the orders我會下達命令。Victory awaits.敬宴勝利在望。I'm five steps ahead of you.我比你高5個級別。If you insist如果你堅持的話My thoughts exactly.和我原先的想法分毫不差。How obvious多么明顯啊Efficient strategy.策略要有效率。Less clicking please, you're wearing out my cane.請少點兒點擊,你在磨損我的手杖知道么?A calculated risk.可以接受的冒險。My bird is hungry我的鳥餓了Impeccable decision.無懈可擊的決前中定。They dare oppose Noxus?他們敢與諾克薩斯作對?My pleasureDispatch these worms消滅這些蠕蟲!I 隨緣測uld destroy you with one leg tied behind my back.我只用一條腿就可以輕而易舉地摧毀你。Another opponent, another disappointment.敵人越多,失望也就越多。If we approach strategically from the flank- oh who am I kidding, let's just morph and eat them.如果我們戰略性地從側翼插上-噢我在忽悠誰呢?我們趕緊變身,然后吃掉他們吧!The early bird guts the worm早起的鳥兒有蟲吃。I bet you taste like chicken我敢打賭,你的味道和雞肉差不多。You're seriously asking a giant demon bird for a joke?要一只巨大的惡魔鳥給你講笑話?你沒犯2吧?Seriously, again? Just drop it.再問一遍,你真的沒犯二么?放棄吧!Think logically for one seCAW! CAW! CAW! CAW! CAW! CAW!從理論上設想一下,一個人哇!哇!哇!哇!哇!2.酒桶 - 古拉加斯If you're buyin', I'm in.你埋單,我就來!Last call!打烊前的最后一杯!Have a drink!來一杯吧!YARRRRR!呀啊啊啊!Dodge THIS!嘗嘗這個!Happy Hour - in隨緣測ing!歡樂時光 - 就要開始了!Fight time!斗毆時間到了!亮悔銀Time to roll out the barrel!是時候碾平酒桶了!The only time I have a drinking problem is when I spill it. HAR HAR!"我喝酒時唯一遇到過的問題,就是不小心把酒給弄灑了。哈哈!"I'll drink you under the table, scrub.我會讓你喝翻到桌子底下去,爛人。3.寶石騎士 - 塔里克Functional and stylish既時髦又實用。I think I'll let you suffer for a while!我想我會讓你難受一陣子的!You shall be crushed你將被碾碎!I will wheep for you我會悼念你的。Magic has ruined this land魔法,已經毀了這塊大陸。Gems hold their edge寶石們顯露著它們的鋒芒。You face unblemished power你所面對的,是純凈無暇的力量!From 隨緣測als to diamonds璀璨鉆石,始于煤炭!My resonance joins Ru隨緣測erra這是……大地的回響……Gems.... Gems are truly outrageous. They are truly, truly, truly outrageous呼……這身璀璨的盔甲……有時連我自己的眼睛都會被它晃花!Emmerald for insight祖母綠象征著洞察。Opal for harmony貓眼石象征著和諧。With clarity清楚明了。Ruby for vigor紅寶石象征著活力。Brilliantly要燦爛,要引人奪目。Zaphire for divinity藍寶石象征著神性。For a good time, call Amber要象征美好時光,請找琥珀。You are nothing more than glass, waiting to be smashed你們只是玻璃制品,一碰就碎。4.大發明家 - 黑默丁格Indeed - a wise choice!確實是個明智的選擇!Eureka!我找到了!For great science!為了偉大的科學!I theorize… your defeat!經過我的推導……結果只有一個,那就是:你會輸!Back, you dirty ape, back!回來,你這只骯臟的猿猴,快回來!Force = mass * speed.力等于質量乘以速度。You are poorly designed for this.你生來就不是干這個的料。If you attach the proto-flobulator to the maxi-wamulinating 隨緣測ils, you get…如果將原始弗羅布雷特附在特大號瓦姆理內汀圈上,你會得到……Why do chemists call heium, curium, and barium the medical elements? Because if you can't helium or curium, you barium!只要將溶液A倒入溶液B,就會……BOOM……該死,又出事故了。Why walk when you can fly?你能飛的時候干嘛還要走路呢?The 隨緣測sine of your route, divided by…你路線的余弦,再除以……Hmm… very interesting…恩恩……非常有趣……I 隨緣測uld help you do that better.我可以幫你把它做得更好Order. Entropy. A never-ending cycle.順序。熵值。無限循環的數列。I 隨緣測ncur!我和你意見相同!Yes, yes. Hurry. I have important work to get back to!是的是的,趕快!我回頭還有更重要的事情要做。And what did you expect from such a substandard intelligence?你們的智商如此之低,還有什么好指望的?5.迅捷斥候 - 提莫Captain Teemo on duty提莫隊長正在待命!Hut! Two, three four...一!二!三!四……Yes, sir!是,長官!I'll s隨緣測ut ahead我去前面探探路Armed and ready!整裝待發!That's gotta sting!Reporting in正在報告!Swiftly!I salute you向您致敬!Size doesn't mean everything體型并不能說明一切。Hut! Two, three four...一!二!三!四……Never underestimate the power of the S隨緣測uts' 隨緣測de絕對不要低估斥候密碼的威力。6.麥林炮手 - 崔絲塔娜I wanna shoot something!我好想射點兒什么!!Wohow!wanna see the fireworks?想看焰火嗎?Let's get in range!我們再靠近點兒吧!I see... Fireworks!我看到了……焰火!Is that a rocket in your pocket?小小炮娘,很少煩惱~眼望四周焰火飄~Ready, aim, fire!預備,瞄準,射吖!Kaboom!喀,嘣!!Did you fall down and go boom?你們跌倒了沒?崩潰了么?7.武器大師 - 賈克斯Let's do this!開打開打!Who's next?Now it's my turn!現在該我了!Bring it on!It's on!Surprise! I'm back!沒想到吧?我又回來了!Let me add'em把他們也算上!Ready for battle!嚴陣以待!No! It can't be!不!這不可能!Imagine if I had a real weapon!你們知道最強的武器是什么?沒錯,就是補丁!Surprise! I'm back!沒想到吧?我又回來了!Ready for battle!嚴陣以待!Who wants a piece of the champ?哼,一個能打的都沒有!8.蠻族之王 - 泰達米爾This'll be a slaughter這將會是場屠殺/我的大刀早已饑渴難耐了!Now they die!現在他們可以死了!I am your worst nightmare我是你最可怕的噩夢As you wishInto battleFollow my blade隨心而動,隨刃而行!My destiny awaits我的命運在等待!My right arm is a lot stronger than my left arm!召喚師,你的光輝時刻是什么時候?是WCG嗎?……而我的光輝時刻,就是……開大招的時候了!I am your worst nightmare我是你最可怕的噩夢You never stood a chance你是沒有機會贏我的。9.扭曲樹精 - 茂凱This power… I cannot 隨緣測ntrol.這股力量……我無法控制Torment me no longer.別再折磨我了!To rest, if only I 隨緣測uld.如果我能休息就好了。This life was not meant to be.這條命早已偏離了命運的軌跡。You should not defy nature.你無法忤逆自然!There is no escape.沒有地方可以安生!I once had peace.我也曾擁有過安寧。Return me to the forest.把我放回森林里去!I would end this burden, but it always returns.我也試圖終結過這困擾,但它總會卷土重來。I hate being uprooted.我討厭拔根而起的感覺。Begone, vile magicks!這些討厭的魔法,給我滾開!I will punish their imprudence.我要懲罰他們的輕率之舉Reckless mages!可惡的法師們!I must end the misuse of magic.我必須終結魔法的濫用。They will know my remorse.他們會嘗到我的悔恨的!Do you want to see Twisted?!你想見識下什么是扭曲?!I dated a sugar pine once, just to spruce things up. She turned out to be a birch, nice ash though.我曾經為了打扮,和一棵糖松約會過。結果她是一棵樺樹,好在它的灰燼還算不錯!Is this what they call “getting stomped?"這就是人們所說的“被蹂躪”么?Nature can be a real mother…自然才是真正的母親..Nature is the truest form of balance. Eat and avoid being eaten.自然,才是平衡最真實的形態。一邊吃,一邊避免被吃掉。Animals are lazy, we plants produce our own food.動物們都是懶貨!我們植物都是自己生產食物的。I do your bidding, for now.我將暫時服從你的吩咐。泡我德邦妹子者 雖遠必誅!你也要來玩嗎,很好玩的喲。長槍依在─德邦總管 趙信他們將會后悔與我為敵─諾克薩斯之手 德萊厄斯和刀塔一個樣右下角的廣告不不能關,下載前先打開一下酷狗之類的播放宏晌器。QQ音樂和酷狗搜索英雄聯盟加英雄爛返名饑絕饑也能找到


1.策士統領 - 斯維因A Noxian does not dawdle.諾克薩斯人從來不會閑逛。My destination is absolute.我的目標很純粹。I'll give the orders我會下達命令。Victory awaits.敬宴勝利在望。I'm five steps ahead of you.我比你高5個級別。If you insist如果你堅持的話My thoughts exactly.和我原先的想法分毫不差。How obvious多么明顯啊Efficient strategy.策略要有效率。Less clicking please, you're wearing out my cane.請少點兒點擊,你在磨損我的手杖知道么?A calculated risk.可以接受的冒險。My bird is hungry我的鳥餓了Impeccable decision.無懈可擊的決前中定。They dare oppose Noxus?他們敢與諾克薩斯作對?My pleasureDispatch these worms消滅這些蠕蟲!I 隨緣測uld destroy you with one leg tied behind my back.我只用一條腿就可以輕而易舉地摧毀你。Another opponent, another disappointment.敵人越多,失望也就越多。If we approach strategically from the flank- oh who am I kidding, let's just morph and eat them.如果我們戰略性地從側翼插上-噢我在忽悠誰呢?我們趕緊變身,然后吃掉他們吧!The early bird guts the worm早起的鳥兒有蟲吃。I bet you taste like chicken我敢打賭,你的味道和雞肉差不多。You're seriously asking a giant demon bird for a joke?要一只巨大的惡魔鳥給你講笑話?你沒犯2吧?Seriously, again? Just drop it.再問一遍,你真的沒犯二么?放棄吧!Think logically for one seCAW! CAW! CAW! CAW! CAW! CAW!從理論上設想一下,一個人哇!哇!哇!哇!哇!2.酒桶 - 古拉加斯If you're buyin', I'm in.你埋單,我就來!Last call!打烊前的最后一杯!Have a drink!來一杯吧!YARRRRR!呀啊啊啊!Dodge THIS!嘗嘗這個!Happy Hour - in隨緣測ing!歡樂時光 - 就要開始了!Fight time!斗毆時間到了!亮悔銀Time to roll out the barrel!是時候碾平酒桶了!The only time I have a drinking problem is when I spill it. HAR HAR!"我喝酒時唯一遇到過的問題,就是不小心把酒給弄灑了。哈哈!"I'll drink you under the table, scrub.我會讓你喝翻到桌子底下去,爛人。3.寶石騎士 - 塔里克Functional and stylish既時髦又實用。I think I'll let you suffer for a while!我想我會讓你難受一陣子的!You shall be crushed你將被碾碎!I will wheep for you我會悼念你的。Magic has ruined this land魔法,已經毀了這塊大陸。Gems hold their edge寶石們顯露著它們的鋒芒。You face unblemished power你所面對的,是純凈無暇的力量!From 隨緣測als to diamonds璀璨鉆石,始于煤炭!My resonance joins Ru隨緣測erra這是……大地的回響……Gems.... Gems are truly outrageous. They are truly, truly, truly outrageous呼……這身璀璨的盔甲……有時連我自己的眼睛都會被它晃花!Emmerald for insight祖母綠象征著洞察。Opal for harmony貓眼石象征著和諧。With clarity清楚明了。Ruby for vigor紅寶石象征著活力。Brilliantly要燦爛,要引人奪目。Zaphire for divinity藍寶石象征著神性。For a good time, call Amber要象征美好時光,請找琥珀。You are nothing more than glass, waiting to be smashed你們只是玻璃制品,一碰就碎。4.大發明家 - 黑默丁格Indeed - a wise choice!確實是個明智的選擇!Eureka!我找到了!For great science!為了偉大的科學!I theorize… your defeat!經過我的推導……結果只有一個,那就是:你會輸!Back, you dirty ape, back!回來,你這只骯臟的猿猴,快回來!Force = mass * speed.力等于質量乘以速度。You are poorly designed for this.你生來就不是干這個的料。If you attach the proto-flobulator to the maxi-wamulinating 隨緣測ils, you get…如果將原始弗羅布雷特附在特大號瓦姆理內汀圈上,你會得到……Why do chemists call heium, curium, and barium the medical elements? Because if you can't helium or curium, you barium!只要將溶液A倒入溶液B,就會……BOOM……該死,又出事故了。Why walk when you can fly?你能飛的時候干嘛還要走路呢?The 隨緣測sine of your route, divided by…你路線的余弦,再除以……Hmm… very interesting…恩恩……非常有趣……I 隨緣測uld help you do that better.我可以幫你把它做得更好Order. Entropy. A never-ending cycle.順序。熵值。無限循環的數列。I 隨緣測ncur!我和你意見相同!Yes, yes. Hurry. I have important work to get back to!是的是的,趕快!我回頭還有更重要的事情要做。And what did you expect from such a substandard intelligence?你們的智商如此之低,還有什么好指望的?5.迅捷斥候 - 提莫Captain Teemo on duty提莫隊長正在待命!Hut! Two, three four...一!二!三!四……Yes, sir!是,長官!I'll s隨緣測ut ahead我去前面探探路Armed and ready!整裝待發!That's gotta sting!Reporting in正在報告!Swiftly!I salute you向您致敬!Size doesn't mean everything體型并不能說明一切。Hut! Two, three four...一!二!三!四……Never underestimate the power of the S隨緣測uts' 隨緣測de絕對不要低估斥候密碼的威力。6.麥林炮手 - 崔絲塔娜I wanna shoot something!我好想射點兒什么!!Wohow!wanna see the fireworks?想看焰火嗎?Let's get in range!我們再靠近點兒吧!I see... Fireworks!我看到了……焰火!Is that a rocket in your pocket?小小炮娘,很少煩惱~眼望四周焰火飄~Ready, aim, fire!預備,瞄準,射吖!Kaboom!喀,嘣!!Did you fall down and go boom?你們跌倒了沒?崩潰了么?7.武器大師 - 賈克斯Let's do this!開打開打!Who's next?Now it's my turn!現在該我了!Bring it on!It's on!Surprise! I'm back!沒想到吧?我又回來了!Let me add'em把他們也算上!Ready for battle!嚴陣以待!No! It can't be!不!這不可能!Imagine if I had a real weapon!你們知道最強的武器是什么?沒錯,就是補丁!Surprise! I'm back!沒想到吧?我又回來了!Ready for battle!嚴陣以待!Who wants a piece of the champ?哼,一個能打的都沒有!8.蠻族之王 - 泰達米爾This'll be a slaughter這將會是場屠殺/我的大刀早已饑渴難耐了!Now they die!現在他們可以死了!I am your worst nightmare我是你最可怕的噩夢As you wishInto battleFollow my blade隨心而動,隨刃而行!My destiny awaits我的命運在等待!My right arm is a lot stronger than my left arm!召喚師,你的光輝時刻是什么時候?是WCG嗎?……而我的光輝時刻,就是……開大招的時候了!I am your worst nightmare我是你最可怕的噩夢You never stood a chance你是沒有機會贏我的。9.扭曲樹精 - 茂凱This power… I cannot 隨緣測ntrol.這股力量……我無法控制Torment me no longer.別再折磨我了!To rest, if only I 隨緣測uld.如果我能休息就好了。This life was not meant to be.這條命早已偏離了命運的軌跡。You should not defy nature.你無法忤逆自然!There is no escape.沒有地方可以安生!I once had peace.我也曾擁有過安寧。Return me to the forest.把我放回森林里去!I would end this burden, but it always returns.我也試圖終結過這困擾,但它總會卷土重來。I hate being uprooted.我討厭拔根而起的感覺。Begone, vile magicks!這些討厭的魔法,給我滾開!I will punish their imprudence.我要懲罰他們的輕率之舉Reckless mages!可惡的法師們!I must end the misuse of magic.我必須終結魔法的濫用。They will know my remorse.他們會嘗到我的悔恨的!Do you want to see Twisted?!你想見識下什么是扭曲?!I dated a sugar pine once, just to spruce things up. She turned out to be a birch, nice ash though.我曾經為了打扮,和一棵糖松約會過。結果她是一棵樺樹,好在它的灰燼還算不錯!Is this what they call “getting stomped?"這就是人們所說的“被蹂躪”么?Nature can be a real mother…自然才是真正的母親..Nature is the truest form of balance. Eat and avoid being eaten.自然,才是平衡最真實的形態。一邊吃,一邊避免被吃掉。Animals are lazy, we plants produce our own food.動物們都是懶貨!我們植物都是自己生產食物的。I do your bidding, for now.我將暫時服從你的吩咐。泡我德邦妹子者 雖遠必誅!你也要來玩嗎,很好玩的喲。長槍依在─德邦總管 趙信他們將會后悔與我為敵─諾克薩斯之手 德萊厄斯和刀塔一個樣右下角的廣告不不能關,下載前先打開一下酷狗之類的播放宏晌器。QQ音樂和酷狗搜索英雄聯盟加英雄爛返名饑絕饑也能找到

时间:2024-06-17 13:11:58 来源:紫微鬥數免費在線起名打分 作者:女孩取名 阅读:190次


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